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Idaho Scenic Images has been dabbling in the publishing industry since 2006 with a yearly Idaho calendar that has been available to the retail industry. In 2019 we added our first book, followed closely by numbers 2-5. Our 6th book will reach store shelves in September of 2023. Be sure to join our email list for updates on future projects or follow our Facebook page.




Discovering Idaho's Scenic Drives and Backroad Treasures

Imagine Idaho...a land of geological wonders...towering peaks, sagebrush deserts, evergreen forests, pristine rivers, lava flows, deep canyons, rolling farmlands, idyllic waterfalls and beautiful lakes....just a few of the iconic locations professional photographers Linda Lantzy and Shari Hart have photographed across the Gem State.

Through their thousands of combined hours of exploring and photographing the state of Idaho, Linda and Shari are sharing their knowledge of how to find Idaho's most photographic scenes in their new guidebook, "Discovering Idaho's Scenic Drives and Backroad Treasures."

If you know where to look, many of these wonderful photographic opportunities can be found just by getting off the interstate. Some locations, however, are far less obvious. As seasoned back-roads artistic photographers, their experiences have led them  to hundreds of photographic gems waiting to be discovered. Among these are old barns, abandoned antique vehicles, and pioneer cabins, along with many other unforgettable locations.

Barns of Idaho

Barns are a representation of the American dream. A symbol of the hard working, salt of the earth folks who are not afraid to get their hands dirty. Farmers and ranchers who are up before the rooster crows and working long after sundown; whose livelihood depends on the land and the weather.

Barns are a distinguishing part of rural Idaho. Barns chronicle important stories of yesteryear, dotting the landscape with grayed wood and missing shingles. Withstanding the storms of life, these buildings have stood as sentinels through time and now serve as windows to the past. And if the walls could speak, they would tell a tale of grit and determination, hopes and dreams, sweat and tears, creativity and accomplishment. Holding memories of tradition, new life, hard work and laughter.

Sadly though, one by one, these historic barns are vanishing, succumbing to age and elements. On the outside, one may see a framework of rotted wood, broken stone and rusted metal, a mere remnant of previous glory days. While we can’t stop the hands of time from claiming them, we can help preserve their legacy. This book serves as a tribute to these esteemed structures, capturing their memory through image and word.

Coeur d'Alene - Heart of it All

Filled with crystal clear blue lakes, evergreen forests, a meandering river and all its tributaries, and a prairie that still hints at a time when it was filled with crops, mountains rise above a bustling, yet quaint little city on the edge of an sprawling alpine lake, the Heart of it All..... Coeur d’Alene. 


For this book, Coeur d'Alene native, photographer and author, Linda Lantzy showcases why she loves her North Idaho home.

Idaho, Home of My Heart

"I made my first solo car camp in 2011, in an SUV with 4-wheel drive and 10-ply mud tires. I’ve honed my 4x4 driving skills to a higher level, to the point where I’m plenty comfortable driving steep rocky terrain and most at ease on a lonely back road. An introvert by nature, being alone for several days at a time is a joy and rejuvenates my soul." - Taken from "A Note From the Author"


Idaho landscape photographer Linda Lantzy shares images and stories of her travels from 2010 to 2021 in “Idaho - Home of My Heart.” This decade-long retrospective showcase is part coffee-table book and part memoir, with captivating images and the fascinating stories behind them. Known for her work showcasing the beauty of Idaho landscapes, Linda spent the bulk of her career as a professional photographer traveling the state in three different SUVs, and camping in the back. With over 300,000 miles on these vehicles, her extensive experiences and knowledge of the state’s back roads cannot easily be matched.   

Incredible Idaho - Exploring Majestic Landscapes and Native Wildlife

Imagine the incomparable beauty of a spectacular land that still retains much of its wilderness and wildlife.


This is Idaho, and it's filled with diverse landscapes of lush forests, remote canyonlands and high deserts, fertile valleys and 80 mountain ranges, and 16,000 miles of rivers and streams. You can immerse yourself in these fantastic settings without leaving home. We are making a new book that celebrates the majesty of Idaho through a visual journey of stunning photographs from more than 30 of the Gem State's most celebrated photographers.


"Incredible Idaho" is a 304 page, hardcover, full color, landscape format, 11 x 8.5 inch coffee table book featuring spectacular images.  


Seasons of the 208 - A seasonal magazine for the amazing state of Idaho

"Seasons of the 208", a new Idaho magazine celebrating our beloved home through outdoors and arts themed content. Immerse yourself in captivating photography, thrilling outdoor stories, inspiring artist spotlights, insightful business reviews, thoughtful editorials and so much more.


Join us in appreciating the greatness of the Gem State. 


"Seasons of the 208" publishes quarterly with the change of each season. 


For more information visit Seasons of the 208

© 2025 Linda Lantzy - Idaho Scenic Images

Beautiful photography of scenic Idaho landscapes. Idaho wall art, Idaho books, Idaho wall calendars, image licensing, nature's beauty, shown through photos of mountains, lakes, rivers, deserts, canyons, forests, wildflowers and farmlands.

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